Boolavogue NS Green Schools ProgrammeGreen-Schools, known internationally as Eco-Schools, is an international environmental education programme, environmental management system and award scheme that promotes and acknowledges long-term, whole school action for the environment.

Boolavogue N.S. Green-Schools Programme
We at Boolavogue N.S. have a very active Green School Committtee. This great venture was is led by Mrs. Cowman.  We are very proud of the work our staff and pupils have done to foster a respect for the environment and the need to look after it.  We are always looking for opportunities to “think green” and improve our local environment and energy consumption!

Benefits and Requirements of Green-Schools:

  • An opportunity to help develop students’ decision-making skills;
  • An opportunity to build students’ confidence and sense of citizenship through participation;
  • Curriculum materials and ideas for projects and events;
  • Access to a network of support agencies;
  • Links with other schools in Ireland and internationally;
  • A prestigious and internationally recognised award;
  • Opportunities for local and national publicity;
  • Potential for financial savings;
  • Reduction of waste and litter, reduced energy and water consumption levels;
  • Improved school environment;
  • Opportunity to involve the local community.